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Homann, Johann Baptist

(1663 - 1724)

Johann Baptist Homann of Nuremberg, Germany was a geographer and cartographer, who was instrumental in making maps of the Americas to show to Europeans, and in turn bringing Europeans to see America.

In 1715 Homann was appointed Imperial Geographer of the Holy Roman Empire.

Giving privileges to individuals was an added right that the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire enjoyed. Of particular significance to cartography were the imperial printing privileges (Latin privilegia impressoria). These protected for a time the authors in all scientific fields such as printers, copper engravers, map makers and publishers. They were also very important as recommendation for a potential customer.

In 1716 Homann published his masterpiece Grosser Atlas ueber die ganze Welt (Grand Atlas of all the World)

Important atlases:
Atlas Novus Terrarum (1707, 1712)
Neuer Atlas (1714)
Atlas Methodicus (1719)
Grosser Atlas (1737-1770)
Homanischer Atlas (1747-1780)
Atlas Geographicus (1759-1784)
Atlas Major (1780).

te139.   map/Germany   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus MEKLENBURGICI Tabula Generalis continens Duc: VANDALIAE et MEKLENBURG Comitatum et Episcopatum.

Nürnberg. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 49x57 cm.
page: 52x59 cm.
intact margin.

price: 115.38 EURO

Decorative and highly detailed regional map, extending from Holstein and Lubeck in the west to Rugia and Pomerania in the east, and centered on Mecklenburg, Swerinensis, Vandalia, Rostochiense and Sta...
Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus MEKLENBURGICI Tabula Generalis continens Duc: VANDALIAE et MEKLENBURG Comitatum et Episcopatum

te149.   map/Austria   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus tabula geographica.

Nürnberg. ca 1730. colored copper engraving.
size: 51x60 cm.
page: 54x64 cm.
in green paspartu. intact margin.

price: 179.49 EURO

Alul Klagenfurt látkép.
Fine city view at the bottom.
Homann, Johann Baptist: Nova et accurata Carinthiae Ducatus tabula geographica

te250.   map/United Kingdom   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionale, in qua Regnum Angliae.

Nürnberg. ca. 1720. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 56x48 cm.
page: 61x53 cm.
intact margin.

price: 230.77 EURO

In the English Channel is an engraved vignette of Queen Anne in the House of Lords.
Homann, Johann Baptist: Magnae Britanniae Pars Meridionale, in qua Regnum Angliae

te321.   map/Spain, Portugal   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula Generalis jam nuper edita... [includes Baleric Islands].

Nürnberg. ca. 1718. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 47x55 cm.
page: 53x61 cm.
minimaly stained. intact margin.

price: 230.77 EURO

Homann, Johann Baptist: Regnorum Hispaniae et Portugalliae Tabula Generalis jam nuper edita... [includes Baleric Islands]

te1039.   map/Austria   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Principatus et archiepiscopatus Salisburgensis.

Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 46x55 cm.
page: 54x63 cm.
minimaly stained outside the picture.

price: 179.49 EURO

Homann, Johann Baptist: Principatus et archiepiscopatus Salisburgensis

te1053.   map/Hungary   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Regni Hungariae....Mülleriano.

Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 46x55 cm.
page: 51x59 cm.

price: 307.69 EURO

Homann, Johann Baptist: Regni Hungariae....Mülleriano

te1106.   map/Germany   put into the basket


Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 47x56 cm.
page: 51x59 cm.
shabby. implosion on the margin.

price: 64.1 EURO


te1107.   map/Germany   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus Brunsuicensis in tres fuos Grubenhag.

Nürnberg. ca.1730. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 48x56 cm.
page: 51x59 cm.
trimmed. implosion on the margin.

price: 64.1 EURO

Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus Brunsuicensis in tres fuos Grubenhag

te1109.   map/Germany   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Exactissima Palatinatus ad Rheinum.

Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 47x56 cm.
page: 51x60 cm.
stained outside the picture. trimmed.

price: 115.38 EURO

Homann, Johann Baptist: Exactissima Palatinatus ad Rheinum

te1110.   map/Germany   put into the basket

Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus Iuliaci & Bergensis Tabula Geographica, simul Ducatum Cliviae & Meursiae Principatum ... Ducat. Limburgensis.

Nürnberg. ca. 1730. hand colored copper engraving.
size: 55x46 cm.
page: 59x51 cm.

price: 89.74 EURO

Homann, Johann Baptist: Ducatus Iuliaci & Bergensis Tabula Geographica, simul Ducatum Cliviae & Meursiae Principatum ... Ducat. Limburgensis
Sós Antikvarium Váci street 73. Budapest 1056 Hungary   top of the page