ko4508. book/old paper put into the basket Meghivó technologus táncestélyre.Budapest. 1932. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 15x22 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko4510. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó állatorvos bálra.Budapest. 1937. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 16x24 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko14366. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó. A Corporatio Elisabetha Ibolya Est.without place. ca. 1930. without publisher. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 10x15 cm. price: 0.79 EURO |
ko4513. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó iskolai farsangi estélyre.Budapest. 1940. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 16x24 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko4511. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó állatorvos bálra.Budapest. 1941. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 15x25 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko4486. book/old paper/ put into the basket Meghivó táncestélyre.Budapest. 1932. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 11x17 cm. price: 1.32 EUROBorítékban. |
ko4501. book/old paper/ put into the basket Meghívó iskolai táncmulatságra.Szeged. 1903. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 16x16 cm. price: 1.32 EURO |
ko4482. book/old paper put into the basket Meghivó A Budai Katolikus Köz Farsangi táncestélyére.Budapest. 1942. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 17x24 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko4499. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó a Budai Nők Kulturális és Jótékonysági köre teaestélyére.Budapest. 1930. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 11x18 cm. price: 0.79 EURO |
ko4506. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó Mezőgazdász-Bálra.Budapest. 1940. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 15x23 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko4471. book/old paper put into the basket Meghivó képzőművész jelmezbálra.without place. 1939. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko4492. book/old paper put into the basket Táncos-meghivó Bölcsész Bálra.Budapest. 1941. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 11x15 cm. price: 0.79 EURO |
ko4514. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó bölcsész táncestélyre.Budapest. 1942. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 14x25 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko4516. book/old paper put into the basket Meghívó állatorvos bálra.Budapest. 1938. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 16x24 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko4481. book/old paper/ put into the basket Meghívó Bölcsész farsangi estélyre.Budapest. 1943. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 13x20 cm. price: 1.32 EURO |
ko4520. book/old paper put into the basket Meghivó Csaba táncestélyre.Budapest. 1931. without publisher. . Hungarian language.size: 14x22 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko14381. book/old paper/ put into the basket Meghívó B.M. Kir. Áll. Felső Építő Ipariskola jótékonycélú táncestélyre.Budapest. 1931. without publisher. 4 p. . Hungarian language.size: 17x24 cm. price: 1.32 EURO |
ko6530. book/Poster, leaflet, fly-bill put into the basket László Imre magyarnóta délutánja.közreműködött a fiatal RÁTONYI RÓBERT.without place. 1944. without publisher. 1 p. . Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 1.58 EUROFelragasztva. |
ko8418. book/psychology put into the basket Rövid dinamikus pszichoterápia.Budapest. 1992. Animula. 219 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko12682. book/literature/world literature put into the basket Remarque, Erich Maria: A paradicsomban is ott a pokol.Budapest. 1992. Fabula. 445 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 21x12 cm. stamped title-page. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko15836. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Burns, Robaert: Vidám koldusok.Bp. 1967. Magyar Helikon. 66 p. illustrated. leather binding. Hungarian language.size: 9x10 cm. price: 3.95 EUROIllusztrálta: Szántó Piroska. SZÁMOZOTT. |
ko16448. book/natural science/physics put into the basket Simonyi Károly: A fizika kultúrtörténete.Bp. 1978. Gondolat. 487 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 11.84 EURO |
ko15825. book/religion, church put into the basket Mary Purcell: Matt Talbot és kora.Eisenstadt. 1978. Prugg. 148 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 21x12 cm. price: 1.05 EURO |
ko16439. book/history/Hungarian/1527-1711 put into the basket Bethlen Miklós: Önéletírása. I-II. köt.Bp. 1955. Szépirodalmi. 833 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 3.95 EUROMagyar Századok. |
ko16442. book/history/universal/Europe put into the basket Zumthor, Paul: Hollandia hétköznapjai Rembrandt korában.Bp. 1985. Gondolat. 349 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.95 EURO |
ko16421. book/history/universal/Europe put into the basket Marinelli, Elvira: A Habsburgok. Egy dinasztia tündöklése és bukása.Bp. without year. Holnap. 127 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 19x13 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko16423. book/history/universal/Europe put into the basket Taylor: A Habsburg monarchia 1809-1918.Bp. 1886. Scolar. 350 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 19x13 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.11 EUROGerincen apró kopás. |
ko16426. book/history/universal/Europe put into the basket Troyat, Henry: Rettegett Iván.Bp. 1998. Palatinus. 258 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko16427. book/history/universal/Asia put into the basket Gernet, Jacques: Kína hétköznapjai a mongol hódítás előestéjén. 1250-1276.Bp. 1980. Gondolat. 295 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko16428. book/history/universal/Africa put into the basket Zicherman István: Az angol-búr háború. 1899-1902.Bp. without year. Anno. 200 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko16430. book/history/universal/general put into the basket Keys, David: Katasztrófa. Hogyan változtatta meg egyetlen természeti csapás a világtörténelmet?.Bp. 2022. Vince. 494 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x11 cm. stamped title-page. price: 4.74 EURO |
ko16435. book/history/Hungarian/after 1919 put into the basket Fügedi Erik: Uram királyom. A XV. századi Magyarország hatalmasai.Bp. 1974. Gondolat. 253 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko16436. book/history/Hungarian/1826-1849 put into the basket Gazda István: Széchenyi napjai.Bp. 1991. without publisher. 167 p. dedicated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x12 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko16437. book/history/Hungarian/1712-1825 put into the basket Fejtő Ferenc: II. József.Bp. 1997. Atlantisz. 403 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 20x12 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.95 EURO |
ko16415. book/history/universal/Europe put into the basket Riché, Pierre: II. Szilveszter, az ezredik év pápája.Bp. 1999. Balassi. 263 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. stamped title-page. price: 4.74 EUROA borító foltos. |
ko16416. book/history/universal/Europe put into the basket Charpentier, Louis: A templomos lovagok titkai.Bp. 1992. Holnap. 219 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko16403. book/history/antiquity put into the basket Bermant-Weitzman: Ebla. Egy ismeretlen ókori civilizáció.Bp. 1986. Gondolat. 281 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 21x14 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko16405. book/history/antiquity put into the basket A régi róma napjai.Bp. 1968. Gondolat. 259 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x13 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.11 EUROKopott.
Európai antológia. |
ko16409. book/history/antiquity put into the basket Mavor: Atlantiszi utazás.Bp. 1997. Édesvíz. 233 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 24x15 cm. stamped title-page. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko16411. book/history/antiquity put into the basket Xenophón: Kürosz.Bp. 1965. Európa. 393 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x12 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko16414. book/history/antiquity put into the basket Révay József: Petronius és kora.Bp. 1927. Franklin. 258 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x13 cm. stamped title-page. price: 4.74 EURO |
ko16384. book/psychology put into the basket Ranschburg Jenő: Szeretet, erkölcs, autonómia.Bp. 1984. Gondolat. 262 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x11 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko16386. book/psychology put into the basket Neisser, Ulric: Megismerés és valóság.Bp. 1984. Gondolat. 205 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. stamped title-page. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko16387. book/psychology put into the basket Lewis: A fjdalom.Bp. 1992. Harmat. 139 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x11 cm. price: 3.95 EURO |
ko16388. book/psychology put into the basket Dahrendorf, Raph: A modern társadalm konfliktus.Bp. 1994. GONDOLAT. 330 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 17x12 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko16389. book/psychology put into the basket Turner, Johanna: Az értelmi fejlődés.Bp. 1981. Gondolat. 190 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko16390. book/psychology put into the basket Forgács József: A társas érintkezés pszichológiája.Bp. 1997. Kairosz. 381 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko16391. book/psychology put into the basket Goleman, Daniel: Érzelmi intelligencia.Bp. 1997. Háttér. 453 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x11 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.95 EURO |
ko16393. book/psychology put into the basket Buda Béla: Empátia...a beleélés művészete.Bp. 1997. Ego School. 352 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko16394. book/psychology put into the basket Adler, Alfred: Életünk jelentése.Bp. 1994. Kossuth. 237 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x12 cm. stamped title-page. price: 6.32 EURO |