ko3815. book/literature/drama put into the basket Max Frisch: Drámák.Budapest. 1978. Európa. 520 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 19x13 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko12811. book/literature/poem put into the basket Goethe: Faust. Fordította: Jékely Zoltán és Kálnoky László.Budapest. 1974. Európa. 544 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko14979. book/literature/drama put into the basket Jékely Zoltán: Oroszlánok Aquincumben. Színművek, verses játékok.Budapest. 1984. Magvető. 493 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 1.58 EUROA címlapon Nyilassí Judit rendezőnő aláírásával. |
ko8651. book/literature/Hungarian literature put into the basket Mikszáth Kálmán: A beszélő köntös. A gavallérok.Budapest. 1972. Sós Antikvárium. 147 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. price: 1.05 EUROKötelező olvasmány. |
ko927. book/literature/world literature put into the basket Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver utazásai.Budapest. 1992. Sós Antikvárium. 345 p. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. price: 1.32 EUROS.O.S. Diákkönyvtár
Kötelező olvasmány. |
ko9453. book/art/fine art put into the basket A korai középkor.Budapest. 1995. Corvina. 315 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 7.89 EUROA Művészet története. |
ko14293. book/art/fine art put into the basket A századvég és a századelő.Budapest. 1988. Corvina. 320 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x22 cm. price: 13.16 EUROA Művészet Története. IX. köt. |
ko10192. book/art/general art put into the basket AUS DER WELT DER MUSEEN.GROSSE SAMMLUNGEN IN ALLER WELT.München. without year. Thiemig. 136 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko7482. book/bibliography put into the basket Albert, Kapr: BUCHKUNST DER GEGENWART.LKeipzig. 1979. VEB. 168 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 30x21 cm. shabby. price: 4.74 EURO |
ko4439. book/art/fine art put into the basket Rácz István: A vikingek öröksége.Budapest. 1983. Képzőművészeti. 44 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 2.37 EURO16 t. színes és 179 t. fekete-fehér illusztráció. |
ko9183. book/art/fine art put into the basket Gauthier Maximilien Von: RENOIR.München. 1977. Südwest. 93 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 1.32 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko14096. book/art/fine art put into the basket Scheffler, Karl: DIE GROSSEN FRANZöSISCHEN MALER DES 19. JAHRHUNDERTS.München. 1942. Bruckman. 183 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 26x18 cm. price: 1.05 EURO |
ko14102. book/art/general art put into the basket SCHäTZE DER BERLINER MUSEEN.Berlin. 1979. without publisher. 191 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 34x24 cm. price: 1.58 EUROA védőborító kopott. |
ko12645. book/art/fine art put into the basket Stoichita, Victor Ieronim: GEORGES DE LA TOUR.Bucuresti. 1980. Meridiane. 88 p. illustrated. boarding.size: 32x24 cm. price: 2.37 EUROromanian language. |
ko5118. book/natural science/biology, agriculture/botanical put into the basket BOIS, VILMORIN, M.L. De And D: FRUTICETUM VILMORINIANUM, CATALOGUS PRIMARIUS. CATALOGUE DES ARBUSTES EXISTANT EN 1904 DANS LA COLLECTION DE M. MAURICE LEVQUE DE VILMORIN AVEC LA DESCRIPTION D'ESPCES NOUVELLES ET D'INTRODUCTION RCENTE.Paris. 1904. Librairie Agricole. 283 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. French language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 23.68 EURO |
ko5559. book/transport put into the basket Kroschel - Steindorf: DIE DEUTSCHE MARINE 1955-1985.Wilhelmshaven. 1985. Lohse-Eissing. 149 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 25x19 cm. stamped title-page. price: 2.37 EUROSchiffe und Flugzeuge. |
ko2074. book/literature/humour put into the basket Sági Ernő Miklós, Sági János: A vasút humora . I-II. köt. egybekötve.Budapest. 1991. KDV. 320 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 2.11 EUROMühlbeck Károly rajzaival.
Reprint. |
ko7497. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Nicolai, Wilhelm: RICHARD WAGNER UND DIE ANFäNGE SEINER KUNST IN THüRINGEN.Eisenach. 1928. Vereinigung Eisenacher Bibliophilen. 46 p. boarding. German language.size: 25x16 cm. price: 15.79 EURO |
ko7496. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket Trüb, Karl: IM MORGENROT DES LEBENS.Eisenach. 1928. Vereinigung Eisenacher Bibliophilen,. 78 p. boarding. German language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 15.79 EURONumerierte Ausgabe 350/234. |
ko5316. book/art/applied art put into the basket Rottenburg, Diőcese: KIRCHENSCHMUCK.Stuttgart. 1865. Frauen=Zeitung. 64 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 24x18 cm. small rip on spine. price: 9.47 EUROA könyvtest elvált a kötéstáblától. |
ko1212. book/history/antiquity put into the basket Walter Andrae: Das wiedererstandene Assur.Leipzig. 1938. J. C. Hinrichs. 231 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 25x18 cm. shabby. price: 4.74 EURO86 tábla illusztráció+térképmelléklet. |
ko5314. book/art/applied art put into the basket Rottenburg, Diöcese: RIRCHENSCHMUD FINURCHIO FűR TIRCHLICHE RUNFTSCHőPFUNGEN UND CHRISTLICHE ALTERTHUMSKUNDE.Stuttgart. 1859. Frauen=Zeitung. 96 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 9.47 EURO |
ko5561. book/transport/shipping put into the basket NAUTICUS JAHRBUCH FüR SEEFAHRT UND WELTWIRTSCHAFT 1956.Darmstadt. without year. E. S. Mittler & Sohn. 234 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 23x16 cm. stamped title-page. price: 3.95 EURO |
ko5564. book/history/universal/World War II put into the basket Lanitzki, Günter: KREUZER EDINBURGH.Berlin. 1988. Verkehrswesen. 152 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko8545. book/art/fine art put into the basket Max, Boehn: MINIATUREN UND SILHOUETTEN.München. 1917. Bruckmann. 207 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. small rip on spine. price: 6.32 EURO |
ko6540. book/geography, cartography, travel put into the basket Bengt, Berg: ABU MARKUB. MIT DER FILMKAMERA UNTER ELEFANTEN UND REISENSTöRCHEN.Berlin. 1940. Reimer. 187 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 25x18 cm. stained. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko3459. book/literature/world literature put into the basket Hans Carossa: Eine Kindheif und Berivandlungen einer Jugend.Leipzig. 1933. Im Infel. 380 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 3.95 EURO |
ko7187. book/music, dance put into the basket Pfrogner Hermann: DIE ZWÖLFORDNUNG DER TÖNE.Zürich-Leipzig-Wien. 1953. Amalthea. 280 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. shabby. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko12924. book/art/general art put into the basket THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM.Budapest. 1992. Corvina. 188 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 31x24 cm. price: 1.32 EURO |
ko6363. book/art/applied art put into the basket Buß, Georg: DER FÄCHER. (A legyző története).Bielefeld Und Leipzig. 1904. Verlag Von Velhagen & Klasin. 139 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 26x18 cm. stained. shabby. small rip on spine. price: 11.84 EUROSammlung illustrierter Monographien. |
ko15206. book/art/general art put into the basket ARTE E CIVILTA NELL' ITALIA ANTICA.Milano. 1960. Touring Club. 256 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko13704. book/art/general art put into the basket Woermann, Karl: VON APELLES ZU BöCKLIN UND WEITER. GESAMMELTE KUNSTGESCHICHTLICHE AUFSäTZE.Eszlingen. 1912. Paul Neff. halfleather. German language.size: 26x17 cm. shabby. price: 3.95 EURO286, 315 p. |
ko15042. book/art/fine art put into the basket Klingender: GOYA UND DIE DEMOKRATISCHE TRADITION SPANIENS.Berlin. 1954. Henschelverlag. 379 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko15207. book/art/general art put into the basket L'ARTE NEL RINASCIMENTO.Milano. 1962. Touring Club. 208 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko15205. book/art/general art put into the basket L'ARTE NEL SEICENTO E SETTECENTO.Milano. 1966. Touring Club. 112 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 1.32 EUROConosci L'Italia. volume X. |
ko8583. book/literature history put into the basket Dietrich Margret: Das moderne Drama.Stuttgart. 1961. Kröner. 647 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko8275. book/art/applied art put into the basket Porzellansammlung im Zwinger.Dresden. 1985. without publisher. 130 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko13790. book/art/fine art put into the basket Koval, Anne: WHISTLER IN HIS TIME.London. 1994. Tate Gallery. 80 p. illustrated. paperbinding. English language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko3374. book/art/general art put into the basket Kerber, Bernhard: Amerikanische Kunst seit 1945.Stuttgart. 1971. Reclam. 228 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko12258. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kugler, Georg J. (szerkesztő): Kunsthistorisches Museum. Bécs.Budapest. 1991. Corvina. 160 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 2.11 EUROA Világ Nagy Múzeumai. |
ko9669. book/art/fine art put into the basket James Enson.Zürich. 1983. Kunsthaus. 372 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 28x24 cm. price: 6.32 EURO |
ko14118. book/art/fine art put into the basket Michel, Hoog: DELAUNAY.Budapest. 1983. Corvina. 95 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko14559. book/art/fine art put into the basket Mittelstädt, Kuno: Delacroix.Budapest. 1980. Corvina. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 27x24 cm. price: 1.05 EURO |
ko7477. book/art/fine art put into the basket Sweet Frederick: JAMES MCNEILL WHISTLER.Chicago. 1968. M.W.P.I. 131 p. illustrated. boarding. English language.size: 25x18 cm. shabby. price: 3.16 EUROJames McNeill Whistler
American Tonalist Painter and Printmaker, 1834-1903. |
ko9182. book/art/fine art put into the basket Vallier, Dora: HENRI ROUSSEAU.Vaduz. 1990. Bonfini Press. 95 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.42 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko14287. book/art/fine art put into the basket Stechow, Wolfgang: PIETER BRUEGEL. THE ELDER.London. 1990. Thames And Hudson. 126 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 31x23 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko14100. book/art/fine art put into the basket DAS JAHRZEHNT DER MALEREI. ÖSTERREICH 1980 BIS 1990. SAMMLUNG SCHöMER.Wien. 1991. Kunstforum. 155 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 28x22 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko14125. book/art/fine art put into the basket Anna Chromy. Drawings and paintings.Praha. 1989. DSK. 32 p. illustrated. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 30x25 cm. price: 1.05 EUROCzech, english language. |
ko9299. book/art/fine art put into the basket Boskovits Miklós: Botticelli.Budapest. 1963. Képzőművészeti. 75 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x23 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko4396. book/bibliography put into the basket K. Zoege Von Manteuffel: DER DEUTSCHE KUPFERSTICH.München. without year. Hugo Schmidt. 111 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 22x15 cm. small rip on spine. price: 9.47 EURO |