ko13704. book/art/general art put into the basket Woermann, Karl: VON APELLES ZU BöCKLIN UND WEITER. GESAMMELTE KUNSTGESCHICHTLICHE AUFSäTZE.Eszlingen. 1912. Paul Neff. halfleather. German language.size: 26x17 cm. shabby. price: 3.95 EURO286, 315 p. |
ko15042. book/art/fine art put into the basket Klingender: GOYA UND DIE DEMOKRATISCHE TRADITION SPANIENS.Berlin. 1954. Henschelverlag. 379 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko15207. book/art/general art put into the basket L'ARTE NEL RINASCIMENTO.Milano. 1962. Touring Club. 208 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko15205. book/art/general art put into the basket L'ARTE NEL SEICENTO E SETTECENTO.Milano. 1966. Touring Club. 112 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 28x19 cm. price: 1.32 EUROConosci L'Italia. volume X. |
ko8583. book/literature history put into the basket Dietrich Margret: Das moderne Drama.Stuttgart. 1961. Kröner. 647 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 18x11 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko8275. book/art/applied art put into the basket Porzellansammlung im Zwinger.Dresden. 1985. without publisher. 130 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko13790. book/art/fine art put into the basket Koval, Anne: WHISTLER IN HIS TIME.London. 1994. Tate Gallery. 80 p. illustrated. paperbinding. English language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko3374. book/art/general art put into the basket Kerber, Bernhard: Amerikanische Kunst seit 1945.Stuttgart. 1971. Reclam. 228 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko12258. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kugler, Georg J. (szerkesztő): Kunsthistorisches Museum. Bécs.Budapest. 1991. Corvina. 160 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 2.11 EUROA Világ Nagy Múzeumai. |
ko9669. book/art/fine art put into the basket James Enson.Zürich. 1983. Kunsthaus. 372 p. illustrated. paperbinding. German language.size: 28x24 cm. price: 6.32 EURO |
ko14118. book/art/fine art put into the basket Michel, Hoog: DELAUNAY.Budapest. 1983. Corvina. 95 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko14559. book/art/fine art put into the basket Mittelstädt, Kuno: Delacroix.Budapest. 1980. Corvina. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 27x24 cm. price: 1.05 EURO |
ko7477. book/art/fine art put into the basket Sweet Frederick: JAMES MCNEILL WHISTLER.Chicago. 1968. M.W.P.I. 131 p. illustrated. boarding. English language.size: 25x18 cm. shabby. price: 3.16 EUROJames McNeill Whistler
American Tonalist Painter and Printmaker, 1834-1903. |
ko9182. book/art/fine art put into the basket Vallier, Dora: HENRI ROUSSEAU.Vaduz. 1990. Bonfini Press. 95 p. cloth binding. English language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.42 EUROcolor pictures. |
ko14287. book/art/fine art put into the basket Stechow, Wolfgang: PIETER BRUEGEL. THE ELDER.London. 1990. Thames And Hudson. 126 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 31x23 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko14100. book/art/fine art put into the basket DAS JAHRZEHNT DER MALEREI. ÖSTERREICH 1980 BIS 1990. SAMMLUNG SCHöMER.Wien. 1991. Kunstforum. 155 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 28x22 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko14125. book/art/fine art put into the basket Anna Chromy. Drawings and paintings.Praha. 1989. DSK. 32 p. illustrated. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 30x25 cm. price: 1.05 EUROCzech, english language. |
ko9299. book/art/fine art put into the basket Boskovits Miklós: Botticelli.Budapest. 1963. Képzőművészeti. 75 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x23 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko4396. book/bibliography put into the basket K. Zoege Von Manteuffel: DER DEUTSCHE KUPFERSTICH.München. without year. Hugo Schmidt. 111 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 22x15 cm. small rip on spine. price: 9.47 EURO |