régiségCavallo, Tiberius: Vollständige Abhandlung der theoretischen und praktischen Lehre von der Elektricität nebst eignen Versuchen. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt und mit einigen Anmerkungen und Zusätzen begleitet (von J. S.). Vierte, sehr vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. I.II.
Leipzig. 1797. Weismannischen Buchhandlung. illusztrált. félbőr-kötésben. német nyelvű.
méret: 20x11 cm.
8 t. kihajtható rézmetszet.
CAVALLO, TIBERIUS (1749-1809), Anglo-Italian electrician and natural philosopher, was born on the 30th of March 1749:at Naples, where his father was a physician. In 1771 he came to England with the intention of pursuing a mercantile career, but he soon turned his attention to scientific work. Although he made several ingenious improvements in scientific instruments, his mind was rather imitative and critical than. creative.
He published numerous works on. different branches of physics, including A Complete Treatise on Electricity (1777), Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air and other permanently Elastic Fluids (1781), History and Practice of Aerostation (1785), Treatise on Magnetism (1787), Elements of Natural and Experimental Philosophy (1803), Theory and Practice of Medical Electricity (1780), and Medical Properties of Factitious Air (1798). He died in London on the 21st of December 1809.
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