me1531. engraving/city view/Mexico put into the basket Neu Mexico.Leipzig. ca. 1750. copper engraving.size: 15x24 cm. page: 24x30 cm. price: 92.31 EURO |
ko4088. book/bibliophilia, first edition put into the basket The History of Helyas, Knight of the Swan. Translated by Robert Copland from the French Version Published in 1504. Printed by Him upon Parchment in London, MCCCCCXII.New York. 1901. The Grolier Club. 170 p. illustrated. leather binding. English language.size: 23x17 cm. price: 205.13 EUROA Literal Reprint in the Types of Wynkin de Worde after the Unique Copy.
Printed 325 copy on Whatman paper. 85 sztl. lev. A gerincerinc javított. The book spine has been improved. THE GROLIER ... |
te1148. map/Asia put into the basket Mayer-Homann Heirs: Carte des Indes Orientales dessinée suivant les observations les plus recentes, dont le principal est tirée des cartes hydrographiques de Mr. D'Apres de Mannevillette.Nürnberg. 1748. hand colored copper engraving.size: 48x83 cm. page: 54x93 cm. stained. folded. price: 384.62 EURO |