ko233. book/sport/chess put into the basket Lew Polugajewski: Slawich Abtauschsystem bis Slawisches Gambit.Berlin. 1984. Sportverlag. 255 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko236. book/sport/chess put into the basket Mark Taimanow: Nimzowitsch-Indisch Rubinstein-System bis seltene Fortsetzungen.Berlin. 1982. Sportverlag. 223 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko237. book/sport/chess put into the basket Mark Taimanow: Nimzowitsch-Indisch Samisch-System bis Leningrader System.Berlin. 1983. Sportverlag. 253 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko240. book/sport/chess put into the basket Aleksei Suetin: Grünfeld-Indisch Hauptsystem bis Schlechter-System.Berlin. 1984. Sportverlag. 251 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko244. book/sport/chess put into the basket Paul Keres: Dreispringerspiel bis Königsgambit.Berlin. 1968. Sportverlag. 231 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko245. book/sport/chess put into the basket Isaak Boleslawski: Sizilianisch Drachenvariante bis Paulsen-System.Berlin. 1971. Sportverlag. 294 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko246. book/sport/chess put into the basket Isaak Boleslawski: Königsindisch bis Grünfeld-Verteidigung.Berlin. 1969. Sportverlag. 350 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko247. book/sport/chess put into the basket Isaak Boleslawski: Skandinavisch bis Sizilianisch.Berlin. 1975. Sportverlag. 373 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko249. book/sport/chess put into the basket Mark Taimanow: Slawisch bis Reti-Eröffnung.Berlin. 1976. Sportverlag. 229 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko250. book/sport/chess put into the basket Paul Keres: Vierspringerspiel bis Spanisch.Berlin. 1976. Sportverlag. 324 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko251. book/sport/chess put into the basket Mark Taimanow: Damengambit bis Hollandisch.Berlin. 1970. Sportverlag. 379 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko252. book/sport/chess put into the basket Isaak Boleslawski: Sizilianisch Drachenvariante bis Paulsen-System.Berlin. 1977. Sportverlag. 283 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko253. book/sport/chess put into the basket Paul Keres: Klassisches Spanisch bis Französisch.Berlin. 1976. Sportverlag. 322 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko254. book/sport/chess put into the basket Mark Taimanow: Nimzowitsch-Indisch bis Katalanisch.Berlin. 1970. Sportverlag. 525 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x12 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9049. book/sport/chess put into the basket Molnár Károly: Sakk világbajnokok. Mondák, történetek, játszmák.Budapest. 1982. Sport. 183 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko9050. book/sport/chess put into the basket Grodzenszkij-Romanov: Levelezési sakk.Budapest. 1985. Sport. 257 p. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 3.16 EURO |
ko9053. book/sport/chess put into the basket Flesch-Flórián-Varnusz: A sakkvilág trónusáért. II.Budapest. 1977. Sport. 251 p. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9054. book/sport/chess put into the basket Bilek István (szerkesztő): Győzelmünk a sakkolimpián.Budapest. 1979. Sport. 264 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9056. book/sport/chess put into the basket Ludek Pachman: Geschlossene Spiele. Moderne Schachtheorie.Berlin. 1965. Sportverlag. 581 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 19x11 cm. price: 1.32 EURO |
ko9059. book/sport/chess put into the basket Ludek, Pachman: DAMENGAMBIT. MODERNE ACHACHTHEORIE.Berlin. 1965. Sportverlag. 317 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko9061. book/sport/chess put into the basket Boleslawski: CARO-KANN BIS SIZILIANISCH.Berlin. 1968. Sportverlag. 475 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko9062. book/sport/chess put into the basket Taimanow: SLAWISCH BIS RETI-ERöFFNUNG.Berlin. 1971. Sportverlag. 349 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko9063. book/sport/chess put into the basket Taimanow: NIMZOWITSCH-INDISCH BIS KATALANISCH.Berlin. 1975. Sportverlag. 534 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko9064. book/sport/chess put into the basket Keres: SPANISCH BIS FRANZöSISCH.Berlin. 1969. Sportverlag. 371 p. cloth binding. German language.size: 19x12 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko9067. book/sport/chess put into the basket Suetin, Aleksei: FRANZöSISCH BIS NIMZOWITSCH-ERöFFNUNG.Berlin. 1982. Sportverlag. 249 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko9068. book/sport/chess put into the basket Taimanow, Mark: HOLLäNDISCH BIS BIRD-ERöFFNUNG.Berlin. 1983. Sportverlag. 255 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 2.11 EURO |
ko9069. book/sport/chess put into the basket Taimanow, Mark: MODERNES BENONI BIS WOLGA-GAMBIT.Berlin. 1987. Sportverlag. 250 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko9070. book/sport/chess put into the basket Polugajewszki, Lew: SIZILIANISCH. NAJDORF-SYSTEM BIS POLUGAJEWSKI-VARIANTE.Berlin. 1987. Sportverlag. 249 p. boarding. German language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko9080. book/sport/chess put into the basket Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. I/C.Beograd. 1974. Chess Informant. 348 p. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 24x18 cm. price: 2.11 EUROSahovski Informator
Védőborító nélküli példány. |
ko9081. book/sport/chess put into the basket Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. II/B.Beograd. 1975. Chess Informant. 398 p. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 24x18 cm. price: 2.11 EUROSahovski Informator
Védőborító nélküli példány. |
ko9082. book/sport/chess put into the basket Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. III/D.Beograd. 1976. Chess Informant. 402 p. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 24x18 cm. price: 2.11 EUROSahovski Informator
Védőborító nélküli példány. |
ko9083. book/sport/chess put into the basket Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. IV/E.Beograd. 1978. Chess Informant. 464 p. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 24x18 cm. price: 2.11 EUROSahovski Informator. |
ko9090. book/sport/chess put into the basket Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. 3/B.Beograd. 1997. Chess Informant. 543 p. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 24x18 cm. price: 2.11 EUROSahovski Informator. |
ko9092. book/sport/chess put into the basket Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. 3/D.Beograd. 1998. Chess Informant. 551 p. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 24x18 cm. price: 2.11 EUROSahovski Informator. |
ko9094. book/sport/chess put into the basket Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings. 4/B.Beograd. 2002. Chess Informant. 671 p. cloth binding. polyglot language.size: 24x18 cm. price: 2.11 EUROSahovski Informator. |
ko9112. book/sport/chess put into the basket Gurevich A86-89 Dutch Defence.Beograd. 1994. Chess Informant. 159 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.58 EUROSahovski Informator. |
ko9130. book/sport/chess put into the basket Chess in USSR. Soviet Tournament News Review. 1 November 1988.Moskva. 1988. without publisher. 166 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 29x20 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9131. book/sport/chess put into the basket Chess in USSR. Soviet Tournament News Review. 2. April-June 89.Moskva. 1989. without publisher. 235 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 29x20 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9132. book/sport/chess put into the basket Chess in USSR. Soviet Tournament News Review. 3. July-September 89.Moskva. 1989. without publisher. 291 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 29x20 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9133. book/sport/chess put into the basket Chess in USSR. Soviet Tournament News Review. 4. October-December 89.Moskva. 1989. without publisher. 275 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 29x20 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9134. book/sport/chess put into the basket Chess in USSR. Soviet Tournament News Review. 6. April-June 90.Moskva. 1990. without publisher. 266 p. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 29x20 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |
ko9139. book/sport/chess put into the basket CORRESPONDENCE CHESS YEARBOOK. 4. SICILIAN DEFENCE. ENGLISH OPENING.Bologna. 1992. without publisher. 204 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko9140. book/sport/chess put into the basket CORRESPONDENCE CHESS YEARBOOK. 5. ALAPIN VARIATION. RUSSIAN VARIATION.Bologna. 1992. without publisher. 210 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko9141. book/sport/chess put into the basket CORRESPONDENCE CHESS YEARBOOK. 7.Bologna. 1993. without publisher. 212 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.84 EURO |
ko9142. book/sport/chess put into the basket NEW IN CHESS YEARBOOK 4./1986.Amsterdam. 1986. Interchess. 512 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko9143. book/sport/chess put into the basket NEW IN CHESS YEARBOOK 5./1986.Amsterdam. without year. Interchess. 512 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko9144. book/sport/chess put into the basket NEW IN CHESS YEARBOOK 8/1988.Amsterdam. without year. Interchess. 240 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko9145. book/sport/chess put into the basket NEW IN CHESS YEARBOOK 11/1989.Amsterdam. without year. Interchess. 240 p. paperbinding. English language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 2.37 EURO |
ko12676. book/sport/chess put into the basket Barcza Gedeon (összeállító): Magyar sakktörténet. 2. (Maróczy Géza).Budapest. 1917. Sport. 340 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x17 cm. price: 1.58 EURO |