ko12258. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kugler, Georg J. (szerkesztő): Kunsthistorisches Museum. Bécs.Budapest. 1991. Corvina. 160 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 2.05 EUROA Világ Nagy Múzeumai. |
ko12626. book/art/fine art put into the basket Honnef, Klaus: Andy Warhol. 1928-1987. Tucatáruból műalkotás.Budapest. 1994. Kulturtrade. 95 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko12640. book/art/fine art put into the basket Donald Sultan.New York. 1987. Harry N. Abrams. 112 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 29x23 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko12641. book/art/fine art put into the basket Ian Bennett: A history of american painting.London-New York. 1973. Hamlyn. 239 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 1.79 EURO |
ko12643. book/art/fine art put into the basket Schneider, Nornert: STILL LIFE. STILL LIFE PAINTING IN THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD.Köln. 1994. Benedikt. 215 p. illustrated. paperbinding. English language.size: 30x23 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko12645. book/art/fine art put into the basket Stoichita, Victor Ieronim: GEORGES DE LA TOUR.Bucuresti. 1980. Meridiane. 88 p. illustrated. boarding.size: 32x24 cm. price: 2.31 EUROromanian language. |
ko12647. book/art/fine art put into the basket Gerszi Teréz: A németalföldi rajzművészet két ávszázada.Budapest. 1976. Corvina. 33 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x24 cm. price: 2.31 EURO64 t. kép. |
ko12648. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bodnár Éva: Kard és ecset. Történelmi képek a magyar nemzeti Galériában.Budapest. 1987. Cirvina. 31 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x24 cm. price: 1.28 EURO36 t. kép
A védőborítón 2 cm-es szakadás. |
ko12657. book/art/fine art put into the basket Mitrovics Gyula: A műalkotás szemlélete.Budapest. 1940. Rózsavölgyi. 334 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 26x19 cm. shabby. price: 1.79 EURO |
ko12794. book/art/fine art put into the basket Andrzej, Ryszkiewicz: HENRYK RODAKOWSKI.Warszawie. 1962. Wydawnicza. 151 p. illustrated. boarding. English language.size: 29x20 cm. small rip on spine. price: 1.03 EUROA címkép hiányzik.
Lengyel nyelvű. |
ko13187. book/art/fine art put into the basket Alte Pinakothek München.Budapest. 1996. Corvina. 105 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x23 cm. price: 2.05 EUROA világ nagy múzeumai. |
ko13192. book/art/fine art put into the basket Alpatov: A Drezdai Képtár. Régi mesterek.Budapest. 1976. Corvina. 366 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 27x24 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko13220. book/art/fine art put into the basket Nyugat-európai festészet az Ermitázsban. XIII-XVIII. század.Budapest. 1979. Corvina. 301 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko13346. book/art/fine art put into the basket Shanes, Eric: Dali.Budapest. 1991. Corvina. 144 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 30x27 cm. price: 3.85 EUROvédőborítón 1 cm szakadás. |
ko13790. book/art/fine art put into the basket Koval, Anne: WHISTLER IN HIS TIME.London. 1994. Tate Gallery. 80 p. illustrated. paperbinding. English language.size: 21x20 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko13799. book/art/fine art put into the basket Veronesi, Giulia: L'ASTRATTISMO. PARTE PRIMA.Milano. 1967. Fratelli. 120 p. illustrated. boarding. Italian language.size: 31x25 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko13801. book/art/fine art put into the basket Merten: ANTOINE WATTEAU.Ramerding. 1977. Berghaus. 76 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 34x24 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko13814. book/art/fine art put into the basket Dávid Katalin: MOORE.Budapest. 1968. Corvina. 30 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x14 cm. price: 0.77 EUROA Művészet Kiskönyvtára 24. |
ko13818. book/art/fine art put into the basket Kovács Péter: Mathias Braun.Budapest. 1986. Corvina. 31 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x14 cm. price: 0.77 EUROA Művészet Kiskönyvtára. |
ko13819. book/art/fine art put into the basket Hunter, Sam: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. 1864-1901.Budapest. 1964. Képzőművészeti. 34 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 17x11 cm. price: 0.51 EURO |
ko13823. book/art/fine art put into the basket Németh Lajos: Képzőművészet a XX. század elején.Budapest. 1959. Gondolat. 99 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x11 cm. price: 0.51 EURO |
ko13825. book/art/fine art put into the basket Halász Zoltán: A szenvedély arca.Budapest. 1968. Corvina. 295 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x13 cm. shabby. price: 1.03 EUROA szerző 12 nagy művész alakját felidézve vizsgálja, hogy nagy alkotásaik milyen szenvedélyből fogantak.
Giotto, Lippi, Raffaello, Leonardo, Tiziano, Rubens, Rembrandt, Goya, Delacroix, Céz... |
ko13829. book/art/fine art put into the basket Marlowe, Stephen: A kolosszus. Goya életregénye.Budapest. 1984. Corvina. 445 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x14 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko13835. book/art/fine art put into the basket Krüger, Renate: Az ifjúság kútja. Az idősebb Lucas Cranach regénye.Budapest. 1979. Corvina. 261 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 20x13 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko13836. book/art/fine art put into the basket S. Nagy Katalin: Chagall.Budapest. 1980. 0Gondolat. 265 p. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 18x12 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko13841. book/art/fine art put into the basket Hárs, Éva -Romváry, Ferenc: DIE MODERNE UNGARISCHE GALERIE PÉCS.Budapest. 1981. Corvina. 391 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 21x15 cm. price: 0.51 EURO |
ko13845. book/art/fine art put into the basket BRAUER. HUILES, GOUACHES, AQUARELLES.Paris. 1976. Facchetti. 105 p. illustrated. cloth binding. French language.size: 16x14 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko14096. book/art/fine art put into the basket Scheffler, Karl: DIE GROSSEN FRANZöSISCHEN MALER DES 19. JAHRHUNDERTS.München. 1942. Bruckman. 183 p. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 26x18 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko14100. book/art/fine art put into the basket DAS JAHRZEHNT DER MALEREI. ÖSTERREICH 1980 BIS 1990. SAMMLUNG SCHöMER.Wien. 1991. Kunstforum. 155 p. illustrated. boarding. German language.size: 28x22 cm. price: 1.79 EURO |
ko14105. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bris, Michel Le: JOURNAL DU ROMANTISME.Genéve. 1981. SKIRA. 234 p. illustrated. cloth binding. French language.size: 35x30 cm. price: 3.08 EUROA kötéstáblán folt. |
ko14106. book/art/fine art put into the basket LOUVRE. XIV-XIX. századi festmények.Budapest. 1970. Corvina. 125 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 32x24 cm. price: 1.54 EUROA védőborítón szakadás. |
ko14107. book/art/fine art put into the basket Stockholm múzeumai.Budapest. 1969. Corvina. 166 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 34x25 cm. shabby. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko14108. book/art/fine art put into the basket Moorhouse, Paul: Dalí.Budapest. 1992. Corvina. 112 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 37x27 cm. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko14109. book/art/fine art put into the basket A Puskin Múzeum remekei.Budapest. 1986. Képzőművészeti. 206 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x22 cm. price: 2.31 EURO |
ko14118. book/art/fine art put into the basket Michel, Hoog: DELAUNAY.Budapest. 1983. Corvina. 95 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko14119. book/art/fine art put into the basket Denys, Chevalier: PICASSO KéK éS RóZSASZíN KORSZAKA.Budapest. 1981. Corvina. 96 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 28x21 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko14120. book/art/fine art put into the basket Amerigo Tot.Budapest. without year. IPKV. 176 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 26x21 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko14125. book/art/fine art put into the basket Anna Chromy. Drawings and paintings.Praha. 1989. DSK. 32 p. illustrated. paperbinding. polyglot language.size: 30x25 cm. price: 1.03 EUROCzech, english language. |
ko14283. book/art/fine art put into the basket Merten, Ernst: BRUEGEL. DIE MALERFAMILIE.without place. 1979. Berghaus Verlag. 76 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 34x25 cm. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko14287. book/art/fine art put into the basket Stechow, Wolfgang: PIETER BRUEGEL. THE ELDER.London. 1990. Thames And Hudson. 126 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 31x23 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko14288. book/art/fine art put into the basket Cahn, Isabelle: GAUGUIN.New York. 1990. Arch Cape Press. 99 p. illustrated. cloth binding. English language.size: 31x27 cm. price: 3.08 EURO |
ko14292. book/art/fine art put into the basket Piero, Tolnay, Charles De-Bianconi: BRUEGEL L' ANCIEN.Paris. 1968. Flammarion. 120 p. illustrated. cloth binding. French language.size: 31x23 cm. price: 2.05 EURO |
ko14293. book/art/fine art put into the basket A századvég és a századelő.Budapest. 1988. Corvina. 320 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x22 cm. price: 12.82 EUROA Művészet Története. IX. köt. |
ko14376. book/art/fine art put into the basket Bade, Patrick: RENOIR.Zug1. 1989. Swan. 143 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 30x26 cm. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko14546. book/art/fine art put into the basket Jajczay, János: NOEL DANS L'ART.Budapest. 1973. Corvina. illustrated. cloth binding. French language.size: 34x24 cm. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko14556. book/art/fine art put into the basket Tolnay, Charles De: Michelangelo. Mű és világkép.Budapest. 1975. Corvina. 379 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x17 cm. shabby. price: 1.28 EURO |
ko14559. book/art/fine art put into the basket Mittelstädt, Kuno: Delacroix.Budapest. 1980. Corvina. illustrated. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 27x24 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |
ko14567. book/art/fine art put into the basket Vergnet-Ruiz, Jean és Laclotte, Michel: Francia múzeumok. A francia festészet a primitívektől napjainkig.Budapest. 1965. Képzőművészeti. 261 p. illustrated. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 31x27 cm. shabby. price: 2.31 EUROVédőborító nélküli példány!. |
ko14573. book/art/fine art put into the basket Weigelt, Curt: GIOTTO. DES MEISTERS GEMäLDE IN 293 ABBILDUNGEN.Stuttgart- Berlin-Leipzig. 1925. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. 248 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 25x17 cm. shabby. price: 1.54 EURO |
ko14578. book/art/fine art put into the basket Ulrich, Gerhard: MEISERWERKE DER ALTDEUTSCHEN MALEREI.Paris-Hamburg. 1957. Somogy. 95 p. illustrated. cloth binding. German language.size: 23x16 cm. price: 1.03 EURO |