me120. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 20x30 cm. price: 13.16 EUROfejek/heads. |
me122. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me130. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me136. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me138. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me139. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me140. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me142. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me143. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me149. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me150. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me151. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me152. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me156. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me160. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me161. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1892. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me170. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me173. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me174. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me175. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EUROa képmezőn kívül minimális foltok/minimal marks outside the picture. |
me179. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EUROa képmezőn kívül minimális foltok/minimal marks outside the picture. |
me181. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me182. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me185. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me186. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me187. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me190. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me191. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EURO |
me192. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket La Mode illustrrée.Párizs. 1899. colored engraving.size: 30x20 cm. price: 13.16 EUROa képmezőn kívül foltos/marks outside the picture. |
me456. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Bikessy-Heinbucher Joseph: Lettenei és Poltári Aszszonyok Nográd Vármegyében/Weiber aus Letene u Poltár im Neograder Comitat.Wien. 1816. hand colored copper engraving.size: 24x19 cm. page: 30x24 cm. price: 57.89 EURO |
me457. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Bikessy-Heinbucher Joseph: Egy Alsó Magyarországi Forspontos Paraszt. Ein Vorspansbauer aus Niederungarn.Wien. 1816. hand colored copper engraving.size: 26x19 cm. page: 30x22 cm. price: 63.16 EURO |
me1776. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Basire James (1730-1802): Habit of a Gentleman of Hungary from M. de Ferriol.without year. copper engraving.size: 32x22 cm. clean, sharp issue. price: 31.58 EURO |
me2040. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Habit of a Gentleman of Hungary , in 1700.London. 1757. copper engraving.size: 24x18 cm. page: 30x21 cm. price: 65.79 EUROJEFFERYS, Thomas; also BOYDELL, John:
A COLLECTION of the DRESSES of Different Nations, Ancient and Modern. London. 1757. |
me2884. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket North Africa. Costomes.1855. colored lithography.size: 21x15 cm. page: 26x20 cm. price: 6.58 EURO |
me2885. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Spanish costumes.1857. colored lithography.size: 20x15 cm. page: 26x20 cm. price: 6.58 EURO |
me3034. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Maréchal Sylvain: Marchande de bouquets à Vienne ( Bécsi virágárus).Paris. 1788. hand colored copper engraving.size: 13x11 cm. page: 21x15 cm. price: 23.68 EUROLipperheide/42
Austria, Wien. |
me3035. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Maréchal Sylvain: Gouvernante d'enfans (d'enfants) de Vienne ( Bécsi nevelőnő).Paris. 1788. hand colored copper engraving.size: 13x11 cm. page: 21x15 cm. price: 23.68 EUROLipperheide/42
Austria, Wien. |
me3037. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Maréchal Sylvain: Bourgeoise de Passeau.Paris. 1788. hand colored copper engraving.size: 13x11 cm. page: 21x15 cm. price: 23.68 EUROLipperheide/42. |
me3038. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Maréchal Sylvain: De Brosses à Vienne (Bécsi kefeárus).Paris. 1788. hand colored copper engraving.size: 13x11 cm. page: 21x15 cm. price: 23.68 EUROLipperheide/42
Oesterreich, Wien. |
me3241. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Italienischer Jüngling.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROItaly. |
me3242. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Lombardischer Edelmann Um 1450.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROItaly. |
me3243. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Italienischer Hauptmann 1490.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROItaly. |
me3244. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Vornehmer Florentiner Mitte des XV. Jahrhunderts.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROItaly. |
me3245. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Italienische Kindertracht Um 1514.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROItaly. |
me3246. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Florentinerin Fünfzehntes Jahrhundert.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROItaly. |
me3247. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Ciociare aus dem Sabinergebirge.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROItaly. |
me3249. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Indischer Bogenschütze XV. Jahrhundert.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROIndia. |
me3252. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Perser aus Khoi.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. implosion on the margin. price: 10.53 EUROPersia. |
me3255. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Bessarabisches Mädchen aus der Gegend von Chotin, Russland.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EURO |
me3256. engraving/fashion, mode put into the basket Kalmückischer Priester , Russland.Berlin. 1880. Chromolithograph.size: 26x17 cm. price: 10.53 EUROKalmykia. |