ko16020. book/art/architecture put into the basket Debrecen. Református Nagytemplom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 18. |
ko16021. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szeged. Alsóvárosi templom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 44. |
ko16022. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szeged. Fogadalmi templom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 217. |
ko16023. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szeged. Fekete-ház.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 422. |
ko16024. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szécsén. Műemlékek.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 170. |
ko16025. book/art/architecture put into the basket Szécsény. Kubinyi Ferenc Múzeum.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 82. |
ko16026. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sümeg. Plébániatemplom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 74. |
ko16027. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Bencés templom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 496. |
ko16028. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Caesar-ház.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 150. |
ko16029. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Fabricius ház.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 51. |
ko16030. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Storno-gyűjtemény.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 276. |
ko16031. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Ó-Zsinagóga.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 100. |
ko16032. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Pékmúzeum.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 105. |
ko16033. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Patikamúzeum.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 106. |
ko16034. book/art/architecture put into the basket Sopron. Várostorony.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 57. |
ko16035. book/art/architecture put into the basket Somogyvár. Bencés apátság.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 201. |
ko16036. book/art/architecture put into the basket Somogytúr.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak Korok Múzeumok. 307. |
ko15970. book/literature history put into the basket Irodalmi Újság 19601965 London, Párizs 2 kötet.Bp. 1991. Bethlen. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 33x23 cm. price: 7.69 EUROReprint kiadás. |
ko15972. book/art/architecture put into the basket Somló-hegy.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 497. |
ko15973. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagyvázsony. Kinizsi-vár.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 10. |
ko15974. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagytétény. Száraz-Rudnyánszky kastély.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 479. |
ko15975. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagytétény.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 478. |
ko15976. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagykőrös. Arany János Múzeum.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok. |
ko15977. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagyharsány. Középkori templom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 272. |
ko15978. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagydobsza. Talpasház.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 271. |
ko15979. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagycenk. Széchenyi-mauzóleum.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 400. |
ko15980. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagycenk. Széchenyi kastély.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 43. |
ko15981. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagycenk. Szent István-plébéniatemplom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 417. |
ko15982. book/art/architecture put into the basket Nagybörzsöny. Vizimalom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTájak, Korok, Múzeumok 306. |
ko15967. book/Stenography put into the basket Az Írás 1937/38. 7. szám.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 20x15 cm. price: 1.03 EUROFabro Henrik halálára. |
ko15968. book/literature history put into the basket Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny. 29. évf.Bp. 1905. Franklin. 928 p. cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 23x16 cm. big rip on spine. price: 3.85 EURO |
ko15969. book/literature history put into the basket Irodalomtörténeti közlemények. 14. évf.Bp. 1904. MTA. 512 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 24x16 cm. price: 3.08 EUROKopott, gerincen szakadás. |
ko15965. book/rare books put into the basket VOLKS UND SCHRIFT. 7. JAHRGANG. 1-4. HEFT.Bonn Ubd Leipzig. 1935. Verlag F. Soennecken. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 12.82 EUROHeft 1. Nov. 1935.
Heft 2. Dez. 1935. Heft 3. Febr. 1936. Heft 4. Ápril. 1936. |
ko15966. book/rare books put into the basket VOLKS UND SCHRIFT. 13. JAHRGANG. 1-4. HEFT.Bonn Und Leipzig. 1942. Verlag F. Soennecken. illustrated. half cloth binding. German language.size: 29x21 cm. price: 12.82 EURO |
ko15961. book/rare books put into the basket Az 1906. évi május hó 19-ére hirdetett Országgyülés Képviselőházának Naplója VIII.. köt. Hiteles kiadás.Bp. 1907. Athenaeum. 474 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x22 cm. price: 11.54 EUROA gerinc sérült. |
ko15962. book/rare books put into the basket Az 1906. évi május hó 19-ére hirdetett Országgyülés Képviselőházának Naplója X. köt. Hiteles kiadás.Bp. 1907. Athenaeum. 539 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x22 cm. price: 11.54 EUROA gerincen szakadás. |
ko15963. book/rare books put into the basket Az 1906. évi május hó 19-ére hirdetett Országgyülés Képviselőházának Naplója XXIII. köt. Hiteles kiadás.Bp. 1908. Athenaeum. 541 p. half cloth binding. Hungarian language.size: 29x22 cm. price: 11.54 EUROA gerinc tetején hiány. |
ko15959. book/rare books put into the basket TRATTNER és Károlyi Nemzeti Kalendárioma 1836-dik Esztendőre: Közhasznu és mulattató nemzeti vagy hazai Kalendáriom, mind a két magyar hazában lakó katholikusok evangelikusok és ó hitüek számára, Krisztus urunk születése után 1836-dik.Pest. without year. Trattner J. M. és Károlyi István. boarding. Hungarian language.size: 25x17 cm. price: 38.46 EURO44 sztl. lev. |
ko15955. book/rare books put into the basket TRATTNER és Károlyi Nemzeti Kalendárioma 1856-dik Esztendőre: Közhasznu és mulattató nemzeti vagy hazai Kalendáriom, magyarországi és erdélyi katholikusok evangelikusok és ó hitüek számára, Krisztus urunk születése után 1856-dik.Pest. without year. Trattner J. M. és Károlyi István. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 22x19 cm. price: 30.77 EURO45 sztl. lev. |
ko15920. book/art/architecture put into the basket Ménfőcsanak. Galgóczi Erzsébet Emlékszoba.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 430. |
ko15921. book/art/architecture put into the basket Vöröcberény. Plébániatemplom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 88. |
ko15922. book/art/architecture put into the basket Vésztő. Mágori-domb.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 172. |
ko15923. book/art/architecture put into the basket Zempléni túra.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 1. |
ko15926. book/art/architecture put into the basket Veszprém. Megyeháza.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 369. |
ko15927. book/art/architecture put into the basket Veszprém. Székesegyház.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 120. |
ko15928. book/art/architecture put into the basket Vérteszsőlős.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 437. |
ko15930. book/art/architecture put into the basket Vaja.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 64. |
ko15931. book/art/architecture put into the basket Vác Székesegyház.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. |
ko15932. book/art/architecture put into the basket Türje.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 429. |
ko15934. book/art/architecture put into the basket Kőszeg. Evangélikus templom.Bp. without year. without publisher. illustrated. paperbinding. Hungarian language.size: 16x12 cm. price: 0.77 EUROTÁJAK, KOROK, MÚZEUMOK. 152. |